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Chown Dewhurst LLP brings together the disciplines of law and accountancy to solve UK and international tax problems. The principals are distinguished in their profession and work for large and medium-sized companies, international families, investment funds and investment managers and for smaller, often closely controlled, business, high net worth individuals and mobile executives. We have many years of experience in our field.

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First Floor

3 More London Riverside

London SE1 2RE


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Telephone: John Dewhurst +44 (0) 7540 691 539 

Kim Desai +44 (0) 7540 691 538


Email: jdewhurst@chowndewhurst.com



Notice: Personal data held by Chown Dewhurst LLP



copyright © Chown Dewhurst LLP, First Floor, 3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RE